So, Vidauban is in sight! It seems to be a never ending job trying to get everything organised and with us leaving the week after next time seems to be disappearing all too quickly. We are taking 7 horses, the big tour and small tour horses that went to Addington at the end of Jan, plus Woodlander Wavavoom and Woodlander Farouche. It will be quite an experience for Wavavoom and Farouche, incl all the travel etc, and for me who will have to drive one of the lorries (we are having to take two!) I am very content with being co driver and taking frequent naps but unfortunately will not be able to on this trip!
The big show at Addington at the end of Jan was great for preparation, it really helped us to see where the horses are at in their training so we have been working on fine tuning since then, we also have had the small tour freestyle to music to think about as Woodlander Rockstar and Woodlander Dornroeschen have not as yet done one. We have music from before which has been used for the likes of Two Sox, Marakov etc but each horse has different strengths and also takes a different amount of time to cover the ground so we have been having to think out different floor plans for them. I have the timings for the music so it is just a case of creating a suitable floor plan and timing each section so it matches with the timings of the music.
I took Worldwide for his Winter Regionals at Addington last weekend. He competed in the Medium Open and coped with things well. I had anticipated that the competition would be held outdoors, so had been riding him outside. It was in actual fact held inside so spooky judges tables and flower pots/banners were at the ready which was all quite a new experience for him as he hasn't done that much. The trot work was perhaps a little tentative and he got a little bit hot in the canter but I was pleased that he stayed focused and listened to me. He finished 9th with 67% so will have to wait and see if he gets through on a wild card . . .I feel that he still needs to gain confidence in the ring so it is all work in progress! I am taking him to Hartpury this weekend to complete his Summer Qualification at Medium level. We have decided to take a few of the others as well, not to compete but to give them an outing. We have Half Moon Delphi who is owned by Julie Deverill and Woodlander Rockstar's baby, Woodlander Rochelle so it could be an eventful day!
I am also having to get my head around Young Horse Qualifiers for when we return from Vidauban as Wavavoom will have to go back to stud Apr-Jul which I am sure he is looking forward to! There are so many different Young Horse Classes!
The horses are definitely feeling that Spring is in the air with the temperatures gradually rising, and I say gradually, so as not to speak too soon! I was riding in a t-shirt yesterday :-)!! The Stallions are feeling very well so we are having to take a few extra precautions with handling etc. Speaking of which, I am delighted that Don Perry has now retired to stud. He was such a great little horse and gave me so much, he so deserves to have a happy retirement and I am sure he will thoroughly enjoy his work. Many thanks to those who helped to make it happen.